Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bonnie Young for Children on Taigan

This time a designer has really done it for me! I am in love with the futuristic aspects of this line of clothing and yet its capability to maintain a sense of simplicity. The fabrics are bold and curious, but hit all the right levels of fun. Fashion forward? I think so, maybe a little too fashion forward for some, but not this lady. Pricey? Way to pricey, but then again who am I to name the price on such a unique brand. I may actually need to take a trip to Aspen to actually see them in person! I was caught by the stunning photo images that could have been taken right off the pages of Vogue. I picture being a jet-setting parent with the abilities to go at the drop of a dime and pull out my black Amex to buy one of these phenomenal pieces, Sighhhh....

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