Thursday, December 30, 2010

Inspiration of the Day

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
—Louisa May Alcott

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just a Test Run

Yes world, we are now mobile! This is the first test run of mobile blogging. Now you'll be able to hear all my thoughts on the go and in between. While sitting in traffic on the 405 or waiting for a delayed flight at the airport, all my thoughts can be recorded. I'll be able to snap photos of creative fashion on the streets just like a real reporter now, well sort of....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Quote of the Day

There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.~Woody Allen

Bonnie Young for Children on Taigan

This time a designer has really done it for me! I am in love with the futuristic aspects of this line of clothing and yet its capability to maintain a sense of simplicity. The fabrics are bold and curious, but hit all the right levels of fun. Fashion forward? I think so, maybe a little too fashion forward for some, but not this lady. Pricey? Way to pricey, but then again who am I to name the price on such a unique brand. I may actually need to take a trip to Aspen to actually see them in person! I was caught by the stunning photo images that could have been taken right off the pages of Vogue. I picture being a jet-setting parent with the abilities to go at the drop of a dime and pull out my black Amex to buy one of these phenomenal pieces, Sighhhh....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Back In Action

Sitting on my patio and going over this last year, and how many changes have been made to my life. There have been ups and downs and many in betweens. As I head off to the corporate world once again this January, I decided I need to cling to my last hopes of a creative outlet. I will be updating my blog more often then not and adding new fun images of both life and children's fashion I admire. I hope to not only re-inspire myself but others who have the same passion. I will be adding links to fantastic other blogs I come across and others who are inspiring to me.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Destination MIlan

Milan is a very fashionable city, and has become my home over the last 3 months. Upon arriving here, I was immediately shocked by the traffic and loud noises of a big city life. I am from California, but still am used to seeing a park at least every block. Milan is a little different. I had to do allot of research to find things for children to do, but when I did, I was extremely surprised at what I found. First off, traveling in Milan is a lot easier on a bicycle. You can avoid the traffic and truly see the entire city. It is extremely common to see children on the backs of bikes here, and I think is a great way for them to see the city too. There are many bicycle shops to rent, but there are large flea markets that you can also purchase bikes from of a fairly cheap price (30-50 euros). The main attractions for the young ones, are Arena civica (located at Via Gardio 2) and in the summer, Idropark Fila. Both are large parks, each with their own theme, but hours of entertainment for the whole family. Idropark Fila, even has a large lake that hosts canoeing and swimming, and Arena Civica has interactive park-like statues and a marine center with millions of aquatic creatures that children love to look at for hours. Gardaland is aimed for the older children, and is an amusement park with almost 40 different rides. On Olivetani, 3, Milan, Italy is the Teatro delle Marionette that has a marionette show for a very small fee, and arts and crafts for you to take home. Milan can be scary if you are not used to the big city, and looses some of the “old charm” of the smaller villages in the south, but is definitely a place to consider and explore.